A Step-by-Step Guide to Build an API

This article helps you with the steps to create an API service. Before you think about creating one,

  • Have a clear understanding of the purpose your API will serve.

  • whether it has access to data, and

  • To add any security measures.

Reasy equips you with a visual editor and all the tools required to create an API, so there's no need to worry about writing code. Here are the steps to create an API service:

Create API: Create an API, specifying the data table and input and output parameters.

Business Logic: Implement your API's business logic using visual workflows. Set up conditions, transformations, and data manipulations in these workflows. Furthermore, if your flow looks messy or unorganized, you can use the handy tool called "beautify" to rearrange and tidy up your flow.

Plugin Configuration: Configure each of your flow elements to define the actions they should perform.

Validate API Flow: Verify the workflow you've created for your API to ensure that no element in your flow is left unconfigured.

Testing: Test your API to ensure it works as expected. There's a built-in testing tool called "Playback", to help you validate your API's functionality. Debug and resolve any issues that may arise.

If your API is intended for use within your app, these steps should suffice.

However, if you plan to make your API accessible to the external world, here are a few additional steps to follow:

Publish: Publish your API to make it publicly available.

Security and Access Control: Implement security measures such as authentication and authorization to safeguard your API.

Documentation: Quickly create documentation for your API that describes the endpoints, input parameters, and expected responses. You can share this API documentation with users, other applications, or developers who will be using your API.

Last updated