Property Editor

It’s evident that you want your app to be more intuitive and appealing. To help you achieve it, Reasy has an intelligent property editor that helps you map, style, and customize your screen elements to match your brand. In addition, you can configure all the actions and events involved in your app.

Each component has its own set of properties, which are accessible by double-clicking. The property editor has three tabs:

  • General: Here, you can map your screen component to a specific attribute, modify its name, add a placeholder, and perform other actions pertaining to the component. Click here to learn more.

  • Design: These properties allow you to style and position the component as you need. Click here to learn more.

You can customize individual labeled elements, composite elements, and labels within the composite components. For instance, you can customize a "Textbox" where the label and the text box can be tailored separately.

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