Optimizing Complex Workflows

Is your flow too complex to handle? Optimize it using Link Throwing and Link Catching Intermediate Events. They provide the capability to connect two sections of a process. A link event in a flow can “throw” an event that can be “caught” by a catch event. Link Events allow you to pause your flow and check results at that point rather than executing your entire workflow.

Let’s optimize a flow.

  • Insert “Intermediate” tools between sections of a process in your flow.

  • Change the type of the tool to “LinkThrow” or “LinkCatch”.

  • Next, create an event to link them. To create,

    • Give the event a unique name, select its type, assign a code, and define its scope, whether it can be used only in the current process or in the current application.

    • Add to save the event.

  • Then, go to the “LinkThrow” element configuration and select the event. Repeat the same for the “LinkCatch” element to link the flow.

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