SQL Plugin

The "SQLPlugin" is your go-to plugin for easy data management. It is your gateway to dynamically handling data without the need for complex coding. This plugin allows you to connect to a database and create, read, update, and delete specific data from your database in real time.

How to Use?

  • Simply drag and drop the SQL plugin into your app's interface.

  • Configure the plugin by specifying the . Fetch the tables (entities) and columns (attributes).

  • Select the query type, and then use our simple query builder to build the query you require without having to deal with complicated code.

It's that simple.

Query Building

Here's a glance at SQL keywords for CRUD operations:

  • CREATEcreates a new entity in the database

  • SELECTextracts data from the database

  • UPDATEupdates data in the database

  • DELETEdeletes data from the database

  • INSERT INTOinserts new data into the database

Here are the sample queries for CRUD operations:

Query to create an entity:
create enity_name (ProductId,ProductName,Category,PurchaseDate) values(?,?,?,?)
Query to select data:
select CreatedDate,ModifiedDate,CreatedBy,UniqueID from entity_1  where UniqueID=?
Query to insert data:
insert into entity_1 (CreatedDate,ModifiedDate,CreatedBy) values(?,?,?)
Query to update data:
update product_info set Category='Infrastructure'    
Query to delete a record:
delete from entity_1 where UniqueID=?

Last updated

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