SQL Plugin

The "SQLPlugin" is your go-to plugin for easy data management. It is your gateway to dynamically handling data without the need for complex coding. This plugin allows you to connect to a database and create, read, update, and delete specific data from your database in real time.

How to Use?

  • Simply drag and drop the SQL plugin into your app's interface.

  • Configure the plugin by specifying the . Fetch the tables (entities) and columns (attributes).

  • Select the query type, and then use our simple query builder to build the query you require without having to deal with complicated code.

Tip: Before saving your configuration, validate the query for its accuracy.

It's that simple.

Query Building

Here's a glance at SQL keywords for CRUD operations:

  • CREATEcreates a new entity in the database

  • SELECTextracts data from the database

  • UPDATEupdates data in the database

  • DELETEdeletes data from the database

  • INSERT INTOinserts new data into the database

Tip: Utilize the hotkey "Ctrl+Spacebar" to retrieve a list of these SQL keywords, entities, and attributes to build queries quickly and effortlessly.

Here are the sample queries for CRUD operations:

Query to create an entity:
create enity_name (ProductId,ProductName,Category,PurchaseDate) values(?,?,?,?)
Query to select data:
select CreatedDate,ModifiedDate,CreatedBy,UniqueID from entity_1  where UniqueID=?
Query to insert data:
insert into entity_1 (CreatedDate,ModifiedDate,CreatedBy) values(?,?,?)
Query to update data:
update product_info set Category='Infrastructure'    
Query to delete a record:
delete from entity_1 where UniqueID=?

Hint: When dealing with static data, enter the values; when dealing with dynamic data, insert '?' symbols equal to the number of attributes. When dealing with both static and dynamic data, specify values and use '?' in combination.

Last updated