
The Canvas, also known as the drag-and-drop editor, is the digital workspace within the platform designed for citizen developers like you. It empowers you to effortlessly design, build, and manage your app's interface in real-time. The Canvas is your visual canvas for shaping your app ideas, equipped with user-friendly, quick-access tools that simplify your tasks.

Reasy's drag-and-drop editor empowers you to:

  • Bring your vision to life.

  • Create pixel-perfect designs with absolute flexibility over elements' positioning and styling.

  • Optimize your workflows,

  • Effortlessly create and configure complex APIs easily and quickly, and many more.

However, the Canvas view differs depending on the engine you're working with.

  • For screens, it offers an easy-to-use and intuitive WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. Essential actions such as save, copy, preview, and more are conveniently located at the top of the canvas, just a click away. Furthermore, Reasy’s built-in code generator generates code as you create a screen. The Code tab gives you access to make changes as needed.

  • The canvas for the Data Modeler engine has a distinctive appearance and provides quick-access tools like Import, Export, Persist, and others.

  • When working with APIs, Workflow, and Navigation engines, you’ll see a different canvas with access to BPMN elements. Similarly, the "Users" engine offers a unique Canvas view. And, when translating your app into another locale, you’ll see a canvas with tools to translate your app’s content and appearance.

Another notable feature of Canvas is its ability to allow you to work on different aspects of your app simultaneously. Each engine's work items can be accessed individually in separate tabs, enhancing your productivity.

Additionally, an exciting capability called "Inter-Engine Collaboration" permits you to access elements from other engines while working within one engine, providing a seamless and efficient development experience.

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